Sunday, January 3, 2010

Post Number Twenty

I’m in complete denial that we have school tomorrow. This blog is the only thing convincing me I do indeed have to go. Anyways happy new year and seniors we’re halfway there : )

I forgot my notebook at school over the holidays of course so I’m just going to spit out stuff basically.

I did most types of integration in my other blogs so now I’ll talk about disks and washers.

Disks are used to find the volume or area of solid objects
Pi bSa [R(x)^2 dx

Washers are used to find the volume or area of objects with holes
Pi bSa (top^2) – (bottom^2) dx

The rules:
1. If the degree of the top is larger than the degree of the bottom, the limit approaches infinity.
2. If the degree of the top is smaller than the degree of the bottom, the limit approaches zero.
3. If the degree of the bottom is equal to the degree of the top, the limit is the top coefficient over the bottom coefficient of the largest degree.

Limx>>infinity (3x^2 –x)/(5x^2 + 4)
The limit is 3/5 because of rule number three.

Related Rates:
1. Pick out all of the variables
2. Pick out all of the equations
3. Pick out what exactly you are looking for
4. Sketch and label a graph
5. Create an equation with your variables
6. Take the derivative respecting time
7. Substitute back into the derivative
8. Solve

I knew how to do this when we learned but I think I have trouble knowing the formulas I need. It’s all just memory though.


1. Identify the equation (duh)
2. Use the formula f(x) + f’(x) dx
3. Determine your dx in the problem
4. Then determine your x in the problem
5. Plug in
6. Solve the equation

Tuhhhhh I still suck at optimization, angle of elevation, average speed? And many other things I forgot I ever learned.
So excited to see everyone tomorrow, sikeeeeee

1 comment:

  1. okay, for optimization i really didn't understand it until i looked at a problem and it just all clicked in my head..
    but here goes nothing.

    You have to locate your two equations.
    Then the one your making bigger or smaller by the directions in the question, is your primary..which willl prob be like area equations..
    You solve that one for one variable
    Then you plug it into the other formula and solve for another variable.
    Next, you take the derivative and then plug in your numbers and you should have the answer :)
