Sunday, January 3, 2010

Post #20


Optimization can be used for anything from finding the maximum amount of fencing to make a pen to finding the least amount of volume for a cylindrical cone. This concept is used commonly throughout the world and needs to be mastered for college level mathematics.

Steps in order to optimize anything:

1. Identify primary and secondary equations. Primary deals with the variable that is being maximized or minimized. The secondary equation is usually the other equation that ties in all the information given in the problem.

2. Solve the secondary equation for one variable and then plug that variable back into the primary. If the primary equation only have one variable you can skip this step.

3. Take the derivative of the primary equation after plugging in the variable, set it equal to zero, and then solve for the variable.

4. Plug that variable back into the secondary equation in order to solve for the last missing variable. Check endpoint if necessary to find the maximum or minimum answers.

Implicit Derivatives

The only difference between implicit derivatives and regular derivatives is that implicit derivatives include dy or y', the actual derivative of y.

y=x+2 y'=1

In an implicit derivative, you are always asked to solve for y'.



1. Take derivative of both sides first.


2. Then solve for y'.


Some examples include:

4x+13y^2=4 y'=(-4/26y)

cos(x)=y y'=-sin(x)

y^3+y^2-5y-x^2=4 y'=2x/((3y+5)(y-1))

1 comment:

  1. Steps you can use for optimization:
    1. Read each problem slowly and carefully. Read the problem at least three times before trying to solve it. Sometimes words are tricky and unimportant. Find out exactly what the problem is asking. If you misread the problem or hurry through it, you have NO chance of solving it correctly (coming from my experience...).
    2. If appropriate, draw a sketch or diagram of the problem to be solved. Pictures are a great help in organizing and sorting out your thoughts.
    3. Define variables to be used and carefully label your picture or diagram with these variables.
    4. Write down all equations which are related to your problem or diagram. Clearly label the equation which you are asked to maximize or minimize. In most problems, you are given an equation that you're optimizing and an equation that you solve for one variable.
    Before differentiating, make sure that the optimization equation is a function of only one variable.
