Monday, January 4, 2010

Post #20

So the blog wouldn't let me sign in yesterday, but I finally got it working today.

Well, I think I have talked about the first derivative test way too much. So, I guess I will focus on the second derivative test this time.

PROBLEM: Finding the points of inflection for x^3-6x^2+12x.

1. take the derivative:
2. take the second derivative:
3. set = to 0:
6x-12=0 x=2 --->gives possible pts. of inflection
4. set up intervals:
(-infinity,2) u (2,infinity)
5. plug in to SECOND DERIVATIVE:
6(0)-12= -ve --->concave down
6(3)-12= +ve --->concave up
So, x=2 is the point of inflection.

Also, I thought I might review implicit derivatives.

PROBLEM: y^3+y^2-5y-x^2=-4

1. take derivative of both sides: (implicit derivatives have an = sign)
*remember every time you take the derivative of y, you have to note it by dy/dx or y^1
3. solve for dy/dx: (you are going to have to take out a dy/dx when solving)

*Also, if you want the slope you must plug in a x and y-value.

So, I would just like to point out that I understand most (definitely not all) things we have learned so far in Calculus. I just seem to forget a step, mess up a derivative, or the problem is just simply tough haha. I think I need to start reviewing everything again because now I'm getting worried about the ap test!


  1. i know you have trouble with i'm coming explain it to you cause i found some nifty stuff on the internet.

    So, here it goes. Next I will explain linearization. The steps for working linearization problems are:
    1. Identify the equation
    2. Use the formula f(x)+f ' (x)dx
    3. Determine your dx in the problem
    4. Then determine your x in the problem
    5. Plug in everything you get
    6. Solve the equation

    Holla back if you got some questions.

  2. Points of inflection are found by using the second derivitave test:

    1. Take derivative
    2. Take derivative again (second derivative)
    3. Set equal to zero
    4. Set up and test intervals with values you get from step 3

    When you set up and test the intervals in step 4 you'll find where the graph changes. This is the point of inflection
