Sunday, January 3, 2010

My 3rd holiday post

My last and thrid blog over the holidays and ugh.. we got school tomorrow im so bummed but were almost finished only like 60 more days or something so thats exiting

riemann summs...
Lram-left hand approximationdeltax[f(a)+f(a+deltax)+.....f(b+deltax)]
Rram-right hand approximationdeltax[f(a+delta x)+....f(b)]

Another integration process is washers and disk

Disk are used with solid objects and the formula is=(pie) b/s/a[R(x)]^2dx

and washers are for objects with holes and the formula is=(pie)b/s/a top^2-bottom^2 dxEx

Find the volume of the solid formed by revolving the region bounded by the graphs of y=squareroot of x and y=x^2
after graphing in your graphing calculater you find that you need to use washers
so you get =(pie)S(squareroot of x)^2-(x^2)^2 dxx=1 so (pie)[(1/2)-(1/5)]-03(pie)/10 is your awnser

and for another big problem i have in calulus is optamization

1 comment:

  1. Optimization is tough, but when everything's given to you in the problem it makes it a little simplier.
    In the problem, you will be given two equations and you are asked to maximize or minimuze one of them.
    The one you are asked to maximize or minimize will be your primary equasion.
    Your secondary will most likely be set equal to a number.

    These are the steps:

    1. Locate the primary and secondary equasions
    2. Solve the secondary for one variable
    3. Plug into primary
    4. Take the derivative and solve (yielding one of your answers)
    5. Plug back into your secondary equation to get your second answer
