Sunday, January 3, 2010

Post #1 of the New Year :-)

Okay so first off, Happy New Year... second off, ugh. we have school tomorrow.


What can I explain...I'm so at lost as to what i should explain...I've explained like every concept I remember... twice now.

1. if the degree of the top is larger than the degree of the bottom, the limit approaches infinity
2. if the degree of the bottom is larger than the degree of the tip, the limit approaches zero
3. if the degree of the bottom is equal to the degree of the top, then you make a fraction out of the coefficients in front of the largest degree

So for implicit derivatives...its pretty easy. You are going to be using this when you have like y^2 + x^2 = 4. It will ask for dy/dx. So what you do is you take the derivative like normal...but whenever you take the derivative of y you write dy/dx. So the above would be 2y (dy/dx) + 2x = 0. Now you solve for dy/dx. To do this, minus over 2x and then divide by 2y. So the answer would be

dy/dx = -x/y.

That's pretty easy...

Um let's see...
The steps for related rates are:
1. Pick out all variables
2. Pick out all equations
3. Pick out what you are looking for
4. Sketch a graph and label
5. Create an equation with your variables
6. Take the derivative respecting time
7. Substitute back into the derivative
8. Solve

Okay so first derivative refers to slope of position..which is velocity.
Second derivative is slope of velocity...or acceleration.
Third derivative would be the slope of acceleration which I believe is jerk.
Past that, its just the rate of change of whatever was

Anyway, think this is around 285 words so...see you guys tomorrow.

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