Saturday, January 16, 2010

post #22

okay so this was on our ap practice test and i just wanted to post it in case anyone needed to take a look at it... i myself do not understand this so if anyone could help me out that would be good.

LRAM is left hand approximation and the formula is:
delta x [f(a) + f( delta x +a) .... + f( delta x - b)]

Say you are asked to calculate the left Riemann Sum for -4x -5 on the interval [-3, -1] divided into 2 subintervals.

delta x would equal: -1+3 /2 = 2/2 = 1
1[ f(-3) + f(-3 +1)]
1[ f( -3) + f(-2)]
then plug into your equation

RRAM is right hand approximation and the formula is:
delta x [ f(a + delta x) + .... + f(b)]
so using the same example:
1[ f( -2) + f(-1)] and then plug into your equation

MRAM is to calculate the middle and the formula is:
delta x [ f(mid) + f(mid) + .... ]
To find midpoints, you would add the two numbers together then divide by two
In this problem the numbers would be: -3 , -2, -1
-3 + -2/ 2 = -5/2 and -2 + -1 / 2 = -3/2
so 1[f(-5/2) + f(-3/2)] and the plug in

Trapezoidal is different because instead of multiplying by delta x, you multiply by delta x/2 and you also have on more term then your number of subintervals.
The formula is : delta x/2 [f(a) + 2f(a + delta x) + 2f(a+ 2 delta x) + ....f(b)]
For this problem: 1/2 [ f(-3) + 2 f(-2) + f( -1)] and then plug in.

Substitution takes the place of the derivative rules for problems such as product rule and quotient rule. The steps to substitution are:
1. Find a derivative inside the interval
2. set u = the non-derivative
3. take the derivative of u
4. substitute back in

e integration:

whatever is raised to the e power will be your u and du will be the derivative of u. For example:

u=2x-1 du=2
rewrite the function as:
1/2{ e^u du, therefore
1/2e^2x-1+C will be the final answer.

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