Friday, January 15, 2010

Post 1/15/2010..#22

More AP practice questions work for you??? Okay, that is what I shall do then.

EXAMPLE 1:Given the equation y = (x-3)/(2-5x). Find dy/dx.

Quotient Rule (you could technically do product, but I prefer things set in stone (plug into a formula nd all))

dy/dx = ((2-5x)(1) -(-5)(x-3))/(2-5x)^2
= (2-5x + 5x -15)/(2-5x)^2
= - 13/(2-5x)^2

What I did: I took the derivative of the function using the quotient rule**be sure not to mix up NEGATIVES!!

EXAMPLE 2: What is the maximum value for the following: f(x) = xe^-x

Take derivative using product rule (multiplying two things).

x(-e^-x) + e^-x(1)remember that the der. e is e^w/e times the der. of the exponent

-xe^-x + e^-x

You can factor out an e^-x


To find the critical values (possible maxima) set (-x+1) equal to zero and solve for x.

This yields x = 1. Now plug in that one to e^-x.

This then gives you 1/e====>your maximum value.

EXAMPLE 3: The table shows the speed of an object in feet per second, during a 3 second period.


Estimate the distance traveled using the trapezoid method.

All you have to do for this particular problem is find delta x then plug into the formula: delta x /2 [f(first one) +2f(next)...f(last one)]

b-a/n = delta x

3-0/3 = 1

1/2[30 + 2(22) + 2(12) + 0]

1/2[20 + 44 + 24]

EXAMPLE 4: Which best describes the behavior of the function y = arctan(1/lnx) at x = t?

A. It has a jump discontinuity
B. It has an infinite discontinuity.
C. It has a removable discontinuity
D. It is both continuous and differentiable
E. It is continuous but not differentiable.

Now keep in mind that this is in the calculator if they give you a function and you have your calculuator...GRAPH it! All the question is asking you is what's happening at x = 1???

Well when looking at the graph you can clearly see that it is not continuous....(*whispers*there's a jump). So you rule out D and E. It's not a removable because there's no hole...but it clearly jumps!!! SO the answer is A!!!!!


1 comment:

  1. For what I don't know!!! What do I do about e integration?? I get natural log..just...e evades me...for some odd reason.
