Sunday, September 13, 2009

Quiz on Monday

Since I missed Thursday, can someone PLEASE tell me what's on this quiz Monday? Until Malerie just told me about it today (Sunday, at 4 in the afternoon) I had no idea about this quiz. I would really like to not fail this quiz, although I haven't a chance anyway. I just want to have a heads up on what's on this. Thanks!! :)

Also, what's up with the wills? What happened to those? I was really looking forward to the help.


  1. it is a cumulative test on everything we did so far such as derivatives, and the 1st derivative test and second derivative test. I'm worried if there is going to be justification on the test because i am having trouble with that. Just study everything in your notes so far.

  2. See, there's my problem...I don't have my notebook because I didn't know there was a quiz and also didn't know we could explain something from a few weeks back on this current week's blog...
    Also, I don't understand the first and second derviative things...I didn't when she first went over it and seeing as I missed the whole day on first deriviatives and only came to school during the second derviative day so I wasn't swamped whenever I DID come back, I'm lost. ^^
