Sunday, September 13, 2009

Post Number Four

Hello Calculus :)

This past week we continued to learn the First Derivative Test. I understand the steps and how to do it, yet i still have trouble taking the derivative and simplifying it. It's like I do that part wrong then the WHOLE problem is wrong from there. I am so stressed out about this it's not even funny. I work problems over and over and still cannot seem to get it right. But anyways one of my questions is how to take a derivative when it is like cos^3(x^5) or something like that. If anyone can help with that i would greatly apprectiate it.

Thursday i was absent and of course Mrs. Robinson came back on that day--just my luck. I got the notes from someone and it was on differentiability. Can anyone explain to me what that's all about like in general? What exactly are we looking for and why?

Friday we learned the second derivative test. Doing this test finds the points of inflection and intervals of concavity (concave up-bowl, concave down-umbrella). Just remember that points of inflection only happen when there is a CHANGE in concavity.

Another question is which way to put the intervals when you find whether it is concave up or concave down? Should i put it in the parentheses like the intervals or put it in the lessthan/greater than form. I'll probably put it in both if i do get to that step oh goddd.

Okay now for another question, sorry guys. When do you check for points of discontinuities and what do you do if you find them?

All in all i understand the steps and formulas for everything, putting them to play is my problem. I will keep working on simplifying derivatives and such but if anyone is seriously up for tutoring i would take it in a heartbeat. Please try to comment on my blog and help me :)

1 comment:

  1. The question about intervals/cocave:
    you only have to put it in less than/greater than form when you justify.

    Points of Discontinuity:
    you would use your limit rules from the end of advanced math
