Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Please Help!

Hey yall. I've did the study guide. However, I was only able to do it due to the answers given. I know I know it's cheating, but I tried to see how they got those answers. However, I couldn't and still can't figure that out.
I'm kinda unsure on what exactly it's asking me to do and how to do it. I'd appreciate some help. Thanks!


  1. well i can't help you with all of the problems but there is one that i think i have a pretty good handle on. Look at number 122. They give you graph f. That graph shows x^3. x^3 will have a parabola and a continuous line like the one shown. They asks you for which values of x is f prime(x) zero. Well if you look at the graph, your intervals would be (- infinity, 0) (0,4) and (4, infinity). So the points that are zero would be answer b. x=o and x=4. I think of it as there is a change in increasing and decreasing there so those are my zero points. Hope this helps!

  2. yeah that's what I did, but..that doesnt work for all of them, so I got confused =(
    I still am!

  3. I can get some parts of the problem, but am completely lost for others. Some I think I've done enough when I haven't and vice versa. Trina, I can get some of that problem that you just explained, but I don't know when I'm finished...I sometimes think there's something else to add or take away..Do you know any tips for this? =/
