Sunday, September 13, 2009

post # 4

this week in calculus we learned the first derivitive test and went over the second derivitive test. These concepts are confusing me. Both of them i get where you have to find the derivative and then after there my problem goes all down hill. I either have trouble with the algebra or forget to do a step. Something else that was messing me up in class is that i would put an asatope as a point and it shouldn't be. I dont know when it is used or not.

Even though i am having trouble with these concepts I do understand how to take a derivative and how to use queotient rule and product rule.
EX: x^2 +4/x^5

1. you rewrite bottom, derivative top minus top deravitve of the bottom all over bottom squared.

This gives you =
-which can be further factored and simplified.

1 comment:

  1. You can't put an asymptote as a point, because it is either a vertical or horizontal line.
