Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I don't understand when and how you are suppose to check for discontinuities. I know we learned how to in advanced math, but I was looking over those notes and I'm still confused on it.

please explain :)


  1. Well...I'm not sure what you mean by when you need to use them...except for when they ask for any discontinuties.

    But I can help you with how to do them.

    To find if there is a removeable: factor both the top and the bottom of the equation. If any of the factors are the same, then there is a removeable at x=that value.

    To find if there is a vertical asymtptote: after doing the above and crossing out and like factors, whatever is left on the bottom of the fraction is set equal to 0. this is where there is a vertical asymptote.

    To find horizontal asymptotes, you use your three rules:
    if the degree of top is bigger, then there is none.
    if the degree of the bottom is bigger than the top, then there is one at y=0
    if the degree of the top is equal, divide the coefficients of each and there is one at y=that value.

    Hope that helps :-)

  2. John, you seem like a good person to ask this: what is the best method to study and memorize math? For example, above, (which might I add, I need to copy down) if I studied that for a day for a test the next day, I might be able to get some. How do YOU personally remember all of the little differences. I think that's one of my problems, I can't remember how to do something or that this term goes with this step, not this step. Do you know what I mean? I've always had trouble with studying math =/
