Sunday, January 24, 2010

Post #whoknows

Lol, so this week in Calculus basically what we did is go over the practice AP tests that we took. We went over many old concepts and also learned a few new ones.

Some older concepts:

The limit as x goes to infinity rules...people are still getting this wrong and it's kind of ... ridiculous I guess.

1. if the degree of the top is bigger than the degree of the bottom, the answer is infinity or no horizontal asymptote

2. if the degree of the top is smaller than the degree of the bottom, then the answer is 0 or a horizontal asymptote at y=0.

3. if the degree of the top is equal to the degree of the bottom, divide the top coefficient by the bottom coefficient and that is your answer and it's also written as y=top/bottom for the horizontal asymptote.

Other things...

limit as h goes to 0. Usually you would treat this as a derivative rule. You would take the derivative of whatever is behind the minus sign. Sometimes they won't give you an x in it so basically what they did was already plug in a value. So put in x where you see the number plugged in then take the derivative. After you take the derivative...say its 1/x and it originally said would plug in 2 for x. So now the answer would be 1/2 instead of just 1/x.

Important things to remember about velocity, position, and acceleration problems.

Velocity is the derivative of the position function.
Acceleration is the derivative of the velocity function.

Velocity is the integral of the acceleration function.
Position is the integral of the velocity function.

Use this knowledge to move between the different graphs or functions.

I can't really think of much more to add so I'm going to go get ready for the Saint's party :-)

Enjoy the rest of your day people.

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