Sunday, January 24, 2010

Post Number Twenty Three

Welcome to Miami : )

Now on to Calculus if I must..

Some keywords I never understood:
Local minimum- first derivative, set equal to zero, solve, set up intervals and check
Maximum speed- absolute value of velocity
Linearization- find the equation of the tangent line
How Many? – integrate
Lim h> 0 + h – definition of derivative- take derivative of what is behind the parenthesis
Maximum value – find the y- value at the max; take derivative, set equal to 0, solve for x, plug in to find y.
Maximum acceleration- where is maximum slope
Starting point-position- related to original function; zeros of velocity will give you max and mins of position
Vertical tangents- take implicit derivative
Rate- take derivative

Somethings I know how to do:
x>infintity (20x^2 – 13x + 5)/(5 – 4x^3)

The limit is 0 because of the limit rule when the top degree is smaller than the bottom degree the limit is 0. 2<3

Limh>0 (ln(2+h) – ln2)/h is 1/2 .

You take the derivative of what is outside of the parenthesis to figure out the answer. Since it is ln 2 make that 1/x and plug in 2 therefore giving you the limit at ½.

The average rate of chage of function f on [1, 4] is..
You are given a table of the values
For this problem you use f(b) – f(a)/b – a
Therefore f(4) – f(1)/3 equals 6-2/3 which equals 4/3.

Some things I still don’t really get are e integration, linearization, switching from graphs of first to second to derivative to original or vice versa,.
Over and out, WHO DAT!?



    Ok....All you're going to do is find the tangent line..

    SO you should get something like y = (blah)x - (blah)

    And then they're going to give you some decimal as x =....

    so plug that value into the equation thingy as x!!!

    then you get sommmeee... number (blah)

  2. find the tangent line. then when you get x you plug that value into the equation and you get a number.

  3. Linearization is pretty much like finding the equation for a tangent line. After finding the equation just plug the value they want in to your x.

  4. derivative of e is simple
    E ^n = E^n x (n)1

  5. For Linearization, just find the equation of a tangent line! :D Don't forget it to put it into point slope and/or solve for y!

  6. For e integration, u is always the exponent e is raised to. For linerization, you plug into tangent line formula then plug the decimal in for x and solve.

  7. Just find the tangent line equation or if its given just plug in the x value to it

  8. for linearization just find the equation of the tangent like, then plug you plug in the x value into the equation to get a number which is the answer.
