Friday, January 29, 2010

post #24

absolute maxs and mins:
1. Find critical values by using the first derivative test: take the derivative set equal to zero and solve for the variable.

2. Plug both intervals as well as the critical values into your original equation

3. Be sure to keep the value after substitution with each appropriate number.

4. To determine which constitute a max and which constitute a min, you must look and point out those of which have the lowest values-min- and those of the highest value-max.

Substitution takes the place of the derivative rules for problems such as product rule and quotient rule. The steps to substitution are:
1. Find a derivative inside the interval
2. set u = the non-derivative
3. take the derivative of u
4. substitute back in

e integration:

whatever is raised to the e power will be your u and du will be the derivative of u. For example:

u=2x-1 du=2
rewrite the function as:
1/2{ e^u du, therefore
1/2e^2x-1+C will be the final answer.

Optimization can be used for finding the maximum/minimum amount of area of something. Steps in order to optimize anything:
1. Identify primary and secondary equations. Primary deals with the variable that is being maximized or minimized. The secondary equation is usually the other equation that ties in all the information given in the problem.
2. Solve the secondary equation for one variable and then plug that variable back into the primary. If the primary equation only have one variable you can skip this step.
3. Take the derivative of the primary equation after plugging in the variable, set it equal to zero, and then solve for the variable.
4. Plug that variable back into the secondary equation in order to solve for the last missing variable. Check endpoint if necessary to find the maximum or minimum answers

Equation of a tangent line:
Take the derivative and plug in the x value.
If you are not given a y value, plug into the original equation to get the y value.
then plug those numbers into point slope form: y − y1 = m(x − x1)

The terms for the First Derivative Test:
1. Increasing
2. Decreasing
3. Horizontal Tangent
4. Min/Max

1. Take the derivative
2. Set it equal to zero
3. Solve for x to get the possible critical points [[can someone clarify this part???? My notebook says it equals critical points AND mins/maxs/horizontal tangents]]
4. Set up intervals with your x value(s)
5. Plug into your first derivative
6. To find an absolute extrema, plug in the values from step 5 into your original function


The steps for solving linearization problems are:
1. Pick out the equation
2. f(x)+f`(x)dx
3. Figure out your dx
4. Figure out your x
5. Plug in everything you get

implicit derivatives:

First Derivative:
1. take the derivative of both sides
2. everytime you take the derivative of y note it with dy/dx or y^1
3. solve for dy/dx

Related Rates:

1: identify all variables in equations
2: identify what you are looking for
3: sketch and label
4: write an equation involving your variables. (you can only have one unknown so a secondary equation may be given)
5: take the derivative with respect to time.
6: substitute derivative and solve.

okay so another thing im having trouble with is linearization and also implicit derivatives.

1 comment:

  1. yeah, i know what you mean about linearization. I thought I knew it, but turns out I can't pick out the equation. Just know f(x)+f'(x)dx is the formula and most of the time you have to figure out what your dx and x is then after that all you have to do is plug in!
