Sunday, January 24, 2010

post 23


1. If the degree of the top is larger than the degree of the bottom, the limit approaches infinity

2. If the degree of the bottom is larger than the degree of the tip, the limit approaches zero

3. If the degree of the bottom is equal to the degree of the top, then you make a fraction out of the coefficients in front of the largest degree.


The steps for solving linearization problems are:
1. Pick out the equation
2. f(x)+f`(x)dx
3. Figure out your dx
4. Figure out your x
5. Plug in everything you get

implicit derivatives:

First Derivative:
1. take the derivative of both sides
2. everytime you take the derivative of y note it with dy/dx or y^1
3. solve for dy/dx

Related Rates:

1: identify all variables in equations
2: identify what you are looking for
3: sketch and label
4: write an equation involving your variables. (you can only have one unknown so a secondary equation may be given)
5: take the derivative with respect to time.
6: substitute derivative and solve.

one thing im not good at is lram rram and mram.

1 comment:

  1. delta x= b-a/number of subintervals

    LRAM-left hand approximation
    delta x[f(a)+f(a+delta x)+...f(b-delta x)]

    RRAM-right hand approximation
    delta x[f(a+delta x)+...f(b)]

    MRAM-middle approximation
    delta x[f(mid)+f(mid)+...]

    delta x/2[f(a)+2f(a+delta x)+2f(a+2 delta x)+...f(b)]

    the only thing i can tell you to do is to just take your time and just plug everything in one step at a time

    MRAM you have to take your intervals and just find the middle of each interval and just take it from there
