Sunday, November 7, 2010

Yet another blog.

Let me just say that today I sat down and did all my homework. Rather attempted all my homework. I found myself terribly confused once you get to remainders and such. I know for a fact that I need help on that. However I do know how to find whatever degree polynomial functions.

So Taylor is the series your generating. it's given as:

Pn(x)=f(c) + F'(c)(x-c) + (f''(c)(x-c)^2)/2!...

C is going to be any number really, and you're just going to plug in the number to the original (they give you it) and then take the derivative and plug into the formula.

Now the difference between Maclaurin is that Maclaurin is centered at 0, meaning that your c is zero. so you're just going to start off by plugging in zero to the original the just taking the derivative and repeatedly plugging in the zero. And after approximating a value to the degree the problem it tells you to, you're get your answer (use this when you have like cos(1.1), or something you know you cant to without a calculator easily)

For stuff I DO NOT GET. I do not get how to find the remainder. Also, what do you do if you're approximating something and you find a pattern? like after the 4th term you get what you started with? Just a couple of questions. :DD

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