Monday, November 8, 2010

Post #11?

Well we worked on the Taylor and Maclaurin Polynomial/Series something things.

Pn(x) = f(c) + F'(c)(x-c) + (f''(c)(x-c)^2)/2! + ... (f^n(c)(x-c)^n)/n!
*C is used b/c it is not centered a zero.

It is simply the same formula, but 0 replaces the c.
*This is one is centered at zero.

This will be a very short blog because....I don't understand this really.
I don't have my I can't really think of problem. But I do know you follow the formula like you plug in c for the equation so that's the first term, then do + take the derivative and also put (x-c)

Can someone show me example pleassssse? I just really need an easy step by step for this.

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