Thursday, October 7, 2010

No questions...

Yeah I realized I didn't post questions too! But I really do have questions. Maybe someone can answer these if they haven't done their comments..since no really did questions.

1. Like how you tell when it is divergent or convergent?

2. For improper integrals, sometimes they don't have an infinity so how do you break it up?

3. I need a reminder for how to do chasing the rabbit!

4. And how do you integrate 14x^27 cosx^14 dx?

1 comment:

  1. you would integrate 14x^27cosx^14 by bi parts..because the x-value is so large, you may end up bi parting multiple times, but don't give up :)

    If you need help remind me at school and i'll help you through it. Also, don't forget to put your u as the x and your dv as cosx :)
