Sunday, January 17, 2010

Ash's 22nd Post

Okay, can I just say I'm going crazy?
I'm relating everything to math and saw this "The Gaga Law (RAH)^2 (AH)^3 + RO (MA + MAMA) + (GA)^2 + OOH(LA)^2 = Bad Romance" I thought it was the most amazing thing ever....I'm scaring myself

Now that the fun stuff is over, let's move on to deeper, darker subjects.

These AP tests are mentally freaking me out
I'm forgetting everything...when I mean everything...I mean EVERYTHING!!!
I forgot how to take the derivative of e!! -.-
I forgot what delta equals!

I can't really explain anything, again, because, I'm at a loss

The tables...examples: 4, 5, 15, 22....HOW do you use those???
Graphs: 9: Hoow do you solve that? 10: How do you change velocity to acceleration? I'm so lost on this process 11 and 12: what are they asking?? 20: WHAT is the answer and how/why??? I'm SO confused!! 25: they're asking for.....the x value right, NOT the y value?

I think one of my main problems is not knowing what they're asking!! I don't understand these questions because of the way they are written!! I sit there and ponder the true meanings of these things as if they were the questions of life!

Yes, I need extreme help
I know this
I do not deny this fact
I don't know how to get it -.-

This was not meant as a whining post, just a post where I'm trying to get questions answered....hopefully someone can help =/

1 comment:

  1. For problem number 4, you must use the table given to you. They are looking for the average rate of change on the point [1,4]. So you must use the formula:


    Well you know your b is 4 and your a is 1. So using the table, you look at 1 in the x values and find the f of 1, which is 2. You do the same thing for 4, which is 6.

    THen you plug it into the formula

    6-2/4-1 which equals 4/3... hope this helps!
