Sunday, September 20, 2009

Week 5

This week we prepared for the test on Monday.

Something I understood was the Second derivative test.
You must first take the derivative, then the derivative of the derivative. You go through your first derivative test, but it is really second derivatieve test.
Second Derivative test: take the derivatives.
2. set equal to zero
3. solve for x - this will give you possible points of inflection
4. set up intervals with your possible points of inflection
5. plug into second derivative
6. to see if it is a point of inflection, see if the intervals change concavitiy.

I still do not get the max & min shortcut. I don't know the difference between it and the regular way to find it.

Don't get differentiability. I don't understand how to pick one out or whether it matters or not. Help?


  1. At first I didn't understand the shortcut either. So when you are finding an absolute max or nin, all you do is take the derivative and then set equal to 0. This gives you the critical values. After that, take the second derivative. Then plug in your critical values for x, in your second derivative. Also, if you plug in and get 0 then their is no max or min.

    Basically, you are NOT setting up intervals and the nonsense you have to do with the intervals.

  2. take the first derivative
    take the second derivative
    set it equal to zero
    then plug in those values for x in your second derivative. whatcha get is your max and minss.
