Sunday, September 20, 2009

post numero five

During the fifth week of calculus we did a lot of practice on justificiations. We had to do a lot of the same things we did last week, like first and second derivative test, but also we had to justify almost every problem. Justifications are not very hard, it's just hard to remember that you have to write down EVERYTHING you did in order.

We also learned how to find max and min.

First you take the derivative using the first derivative test. Then after you find your critical values and endpoints you plug those back into your original function so you can find your y values. After you find your y values, the highest is your max and the lowest is your min.

We also learned how to look at a graph and figure out what is your absolute max and min.

example problem:

Find the absolute MAX/MIN of f(x) = 2x^3 - 4x^4 on [0,5] :

First, take the derivative. 6x^2 - 16x^3
Set equal to zero, find critical values and endpoints, plug in for x to find y values, smallest = min ; largest = max
Dont forget to write your max & min in point form!

We also learned about differentiability, but that is probably one of the things that confused me the most this week.
Any help? Please and Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. The way I remember differentiability is that if I see a piecewise or absolute value in the equation, I know its not differentiable. But, if its a graph, you have to look for cusps which are the curvy things (look like an m) and a corner which are in the V's for absolue values.

    hoped that helped.
