Sunday, November 28, 2010

Combined late and now bloggg.. i'll start off by saying these holidays went by entirely too fast..and obviously, you can't post blogs on iphones..because i actually did try in the airport going to new york..and it doesn't work...your keyboard does not pull up when you press in the blog box..odd. i know.

but anyway, lets get this thing started.

So, lets go over some throw back stuff..

1. Substitution: when the derivative is in the equation
ex: Scosxsinx
u = sinx
du = cos x
S u du
=1/2u^2 = 1/2sin^2(x) + c

2. By-Parts: when the derivative is not in the equation but you can sort of manipulate to figure it out...
ex: Sarctan(x)
u = arctan(x) dv = dx
du = 1/ 1+x^2 v = x
= arctan(x) (x) - S x/1+x^2
= arctan(x) (x) - 1/2ln(2)

3. Partial Fractions: when you have a fraction where the bottom can be broken up or factored
ex: umm..i can't think of one bc im not so good at these
But basically you have to break up the bottom and separate it to different fractions with differetn letters "naming" the fractions then you solve different systems to find your letters and then plug in to find the answer.

So, i've been working on my packet and i'm having alot of trouble remembering this stuff...and i'm getting kinda confused on some come prepared on monday-wednesday..cause i'll have PLENTY questions for the test thursday :)

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