Sunday, September 12, 2010

Post #3

Alrighty here we go...

First, I would like to list some identities that I need to learn:

sinx= 1/2 - 1/2cos2x
cosx= 1/2 + 1/2cos2x

cos^2x + sin^2x = 1
1 + tan^2x = sec^2x
1 + cot^2x = csc^2x

tanx = sinx/cosx
cotx = cosx/sinx

sin(2x) = 2sinxcosx

Well, we have been doing trig sub like all week. So let me try to explain it the best way I can since I haven't gotten the hang of it just yet.

*Say you have the square root of x^2/squarerootof 25-x^2 dx

1. You see what box you need to use (which I need to memorize). There are three different cases: (a is the number, u is the x)
square root of a^2 - u^2 --->asin(t)
square root of a^2 + u^2 --->atan(t)
square root of u^2 - a^2 --->asec(t)
This example would follow a^2 - u^2

2. Then find your x and dx:
x is from the three different cases so x= 5sin(t)
dx is the derivative so dx= 5cos(t)

3. Next you have the square root:
squarerootof 25-x^2 --->5cos(t)
*those are from your chart thing too, but Mal Pal said that it is usually like the opposite of the x

4. and don't forget to account for the x^2:
so take your x, x=5sin(t) and square it which gives you x^2=25sin^2(t)

5. Now plug everything in!
so you should get
*simplify: the 5cost cancel leaving 25sin^2(t)

Now I'm pretty sure you use the power reduction formulas here right?
But this is where I get do I use 1/2 - 1/2cos2x for 25sin^2(t)?

6. I know you integrate after that.

7. form the triangle and use that to plug in to the trig functions
*don't forget SOHCAHTOA


  1. After, you would use that to sort of substitute.

    Then i would break it up into two integrals and integrate separately making it 1/2x - 1/2(1/2(sin2x)) + c

  2. i think you would just use that formula and put the 25 out front... then multiply it in..
    then do what steph said, break it up and integrate.

  3. You only use the formula to integrate. After you do integrate, you will have a sin2t which can be changed to 2sintcost which you can get from the triange by doing SOHCAHTOA.

  4. whenever you see sin(2x) or cos(2x), you have to use double angle formula
