Sunday, March 28, 2010

Post 32

Well the last nine weeks are here and the AP test is coming soon. This week we reviewed practice AP tests and did a integration worksheet.

Some old stuff I will go over are related rates. The steps for related rates are:
1. Identify all of the variables and equations
2. Identify the things that you are looking for
3. Sketch a graph and then label that graph
4. Create and write an equation using all of the variables
5. Take the derivative of this equation with respect to time
6. Substitute everything back in
7. Solve the equation

Next I will talk about Riemann Sums. The Riemann sum approximates the area using the rectangles or trapezoids. The Riemanns Sums are:
LRAM-Left hand approximation=delta x[f(a)+f(a+delta x)+...f(b-delta x)]
RRAM-Right hand approximation=delta x[f(a+delta x)+...f(b)]
MRAM-Middle approximation=delta x[f(mid)+f(mid)+...]
Trapezoidal-delta x/2[f(a)+2f(a+delta x)+2f(a+2 delta x)+...f(b)]
delta x=b-a/number of subintervals

Next I will talk about stuff from the beginning of school the product rule and quotient rule.
Product rule is copy the first times the derivative of the last plus copy the first times the derivative of the second.
Quotient rule is copy the bottom times derivative of the top minus copy the top times the derivative of the bottom all divided by the bottom squared.

For questions, I need help with area volume problems. If someone could refresh my memory that would be great.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. For volume, do you mean disks and washers? Or the volume of a sphere, etc?

    Disks && Washers
    Disk: piS(problem)^2dx
    Washer: piS(top equation)^2-(bottom equation)^2dx

    Find your bounds (not sure how to do this myself without a calculator, but with a calculator, you just go to calc (2nd->trace)and hit intersects and it'll give you your bounds)
    then just integrate normally (foil it out, combine like terms, integrate)

    I don't know how to do the others (spheres and whatnot)
