Sunday, September 27, 2009

Post #6

Alrighty, the beginning of this week was great because I could actually do the homework, but then we got to optimization.

I really understand Rolle's Theorem, but first you have to know the Extreme Value Theorem which just states that a continuous function on a closed interval must have both a max or min on the interval. (They can occur at the endpoints.) Anyway, Rolle's Theorem gives the conditions that guarantee the existence of an extema in the interior of a closed interval.

You basically see if it continuous and differentiable between the interval. If not, you cannot use this theorem. (If no interval just use x-intercepts.) Then plug in both interval points. These must equal each or you cannot use this theorem. Then take the derivative, set it equal to 0 and solve for x, and you get your critical values. (make sure the points fall between the interval)

Example: f(x)=x^4-2x^2 on [-2,2] Find all values c for which f^1(c)=0
Is it continuous and differentiable? YES
4x^3-4x=0 4x(x^2-1)=0 x=0, 1, -1 c=0, 1, -1

Also, I understand Mean Value Theorem which just says if f is continuous on the closed interval [a.b] and differentiable on the open interval (a,b), then there exists a number c in (a,b) such that f^1(c)=f(b)-f(a)/b-a.

All you do is make sure it is continuous and differentiable between the interval. (if not you cannot use this theorem) Then find the slope using f^1(c)=f(b)-f(a)/b-a. Then take the derivative and set it equal to the slope and solve for x. This gives the critical points. (make sure the points fall between the interval)

Example: f(x)=5-4/x Find all values c on (1,4) such that f^1(c)=f(b)-f(a)/b-a.
Is it continuous? there is an infinite @ x=0 (which is not in the interval so you can continue with this theorem) Is it differentiable? not @ x=0 (which is also not on the interval)
f(4)=5-4/4=4 f(1)=5-4/1= 1 4-1/4-1 = 3/3=1
4/x^2=1 x= + or - 2 (-2 is not on the interval) c=2

The only real problem is I'm having trouble with optimization. Is there any steps to follow? I just get confused on what equation to use and what to use from the problem. Each problem is sort of different which I guess is what is making me have trouble. And does anyone know when our next quiz is?


  1. 1. Identify all given quantities and quantities to be determined. (find all numbers and variables)
    2. Write a primary equation for the quantity that is to be maximized or minimized. (will be the formula before you plug anything in)
    3. Reduce the primary equation so it only has a single independent variable. You will find secondary equations. (relates to the problem)
    4. Determine the feasible domain of the primary equation. (where can it be?)
    5. Determine the desired maximum or minimum value by the calculus techniques. (taking derivativative, etc.)

  2. identify your variable then write your primary equation thats either going to be maximized or minimized, reduce your equation to find your secondary then solve.
